Exploring Vision Pro With Kotaro Fujita | JAG Cast #135
The Vision Pro has officially launched and who better to discuss it and the new "spatial computing" era than friend of the pod, Kotaro Fujita. In this episode we attempt to answer two important questions: What is Vision Pro and What can you do with it?

The Vision Pro has officially launched and who better to discuss it and the new "spatial computing" era than friend of the pod, Kotaro Fujita. In this episode we attempt to answer two important questions: What is Vision Pro and What can you do with it? We discuss what it's like to use the product, what software will be available at launch, and what new kinds of experiences early adopters may be able to try out. We also explore whether Vision Pro and devices like it could lead to even more device-centric isolation and the special parenting concerns that come with yet another digital distraction in a developing child's life. We also speculate out loud about how "AI" tools and "spatial computing" may complement each other in future devices. Near the end, we go on some amusing tangents describing the experiences of explaining to kids what life was like in the "old days" of home phones and Blockbuster video. There are some great insights in this episode for anyone wondering what all the Vision Pro excitement is about.
For a more technical discussion with Kotaro about Vision Pro from a developer's perspective, check out episode #58 of the Side Project Spotlight podcast when it is released. Links below!
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━ Chapters ━━━━━━━━━━━
00:00:00 Intro Theme
00:00:32 Introductions
00:02:50 Welcome back, Kotaro Fujita!
00:03:02 What is Vision Pro?
00:11:35 What can you do with Vision Pro?
00:30:46 Are we buying a Vision Pro?
00:33:12 Isolation & Parenting Concerns with Vision Pro
00:42:48 What to expect in the "Spatial Computing" era
00:50:43 Kids don't use the "phone"
00:53:08 Explaining home phones and Blockbuster to kids
00:56:47 Where to find more Kotaro
00:58:17 The Wrap-Up
01:00:27 Outro Theme
━ Episode Links ━━━━━━━━━━━
Kotaro's company
Follow Kotaro on X
Follow Kotaro on Mastadon
Watch Apple's Vision Pro Guided Tour
Listen to a discussion of Vision Pro from a developer's perspective on the Side Project Spotlight podcast
━ Show Links ━━━━━━━━━━━
🎸 Theme Song, “The Rescue Party” by E.Joseph and the Phantom Heart
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